Thursday, May 20, 2010


"baby,i know sometimes it's gonna rain & baby can we make up now cos' i can't sleep through the pain..girl,i don't wanna go to bed mad at you and i don't want you to go to bed mad at me"

Inspiring words from one of my favourite artists ..'NEYO'.In his song 'mad' he tries to portray a couple who fight but make an effort towards resolving their issues before going to bed.

People with experience say make-up sex is the sweetest,well that one sef dey! A few lines up,he says 'what's even worse is we don't even remember why we are fighting'.

Most couples are so afraid to fight that they bottle up all their feelings[anger,frustration,disagreement,suspicion e.t.c] until eventual day when one final drop fills the bottle and causes it to tip over and spill all the contents.

Then,the fight moves from that final drop to all the content in the now 'broken bottle' and eventually forget all about what caused the fight in the 1st place[the final drop].

This,I call the 'THE THEORY OF THE BOTTLE'. ..The funny part is that it doesn't only apply to couple but with normal human interaction.We are so concerned with what other people will think of us that we bottle up fears,feelings e.t.c. just for it to break open in our faces in a seemingly smaller situation.

I think as a couple,you shouldn't be afraid to fight as it only gives you a greater knowledge of each other.Every fight should not be a journey ender but a filling station on your road to happiness/destiny.

Something about your babe/guy can't be known till you make a mistake.A guy got a pink top for his babe on her birthday[she hates pink],after she got it she said thanks.A lot later she said he knew nothing about her cos' if he did he would have known she hated pink and gotten her a blue top!

She didn't talk to him for sometime but they eventually resolved it,now cos of this fight,he'll never get her anything there!...Resolving before going to bed is a different case and requires intense forgiveness.
Listening to 'solo' by Iyaz,'we used to be a we separated in two',then he realises he doesn't want to go solo..Wat's the point? when you guys have already broken up!
......don't bottle it up,say it there and then so he wont get you a pink gown the next time..fights ignite the love but bottling up dampens the feelings and emotions...

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